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"the best weight you'll ever lose is the weight of other people's opinions of you" - unknown

As Featured On

Behind the Bite Podcast

Self Love

Episode 35 | 

Normal Not Wrong with Self-Love Blogger Jenelle Carto

Taking Up Space Podcast

Self Love

Episode 74 | 

Jenelle's Story -

Normal NOT Wrong


Book your free 30-minute call today. Let's talk body image and get to know each other!

What My Clients Say

Pink Background

Working with Jenelle was an eye-opening experience. She is knowledgeable and keen to change the world! What more can you ask for from a coach?! While working with Jenelle, we worked through my perceptions of self and cultural norms around women's bodies and beliefs. Really digging deep into why we (as women) treat ourselves the way we do. Jenelle is so kind, warm and always so positive and excited for our sessions together. She was always available through our chat via text or voice memo which really helped me as I live a very busy lifestyle.


If you are struggling with your sense of self or worth, do yourself a favour and check this girl out!

4-month Coaching Client

Pink Smudge

When I signed up to do 1-on-1 coaching with Jenelle, I never expected my life to change the way that it did. Before starting this journey I had a very obsessive and unhealthy relationship with both food and my body. Since using the workbooks provided and doing my sessions with Jenelle, I feel less stressed and controlled by food. I can even keep Oreos in the house and not eat them all in one day!! I’m spending so much less time worrying about what I look like or worrying about what people are thinking about my body. I’ve also noticed I am more confident in my decision-making and much more comfortable just being “me” in every way.


I feel so lucky to have been able to do this work and can’t believe how much my entire mindset has shifted over the past few months.

8-month Coaching Client

Pink Powder

I had an intro call with Jenelle and it's clear she's done the work and knows her stuff. She easily answered all my questions and recommended a book and her anti-diet workbook based on my needs. I appreciated that she didn't try to push coaching if it wasn't a fit - she genuinely had my best interests at heart. And both her recommendations were amazing! My call with her combined with doing the recommendations led to massive mindset shifts for me - and in a short amount of time, too! Thank you so much, Jenelle. I feel much more comfortable in my skin - and I spot fatphobia and its harm everywhere now and proud to say I'm doing everything I can not to perpetuate it.

Intro Call & Workbook

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